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Posts tagged “Wood

D.I.Y. or DIE: “Wood Hand”

Instructables is a haven for DIYers, chock full of wondrous inventions and life hacks anyone could learn from. Delving into the realm of costumes (and after playing a lengthy amount of Skyrim), I was ecstatic when I came across this little beauty:

Instructables user Prototyp 18 came up with his seriously simple “Wood Hand” project that can transform you into a dryad overnight. His variation uses oak bark, but he states that any medium can be used. If you tackle this project, go the extra step further and go to your local thrift store or Goodwill for the gloves (or shoes, or any other clothing you’re thinking of making this with.)

Could you imagine scaring children, or even adults with this? Oh, the reactions would be priceless.

Flora Gothica always welcomes D.I.Y. or DIE projects with open arms, so if you create this or any other creation, feel free to send pictures to

Etsy Bomb: Episode #3

To welcome in August (which, might I add, feels nothing like so on the East Coast), I have some incredibly handsome jewelry that is made with the utmost care, and are of the highest quality I’ve seen to date. Check out the Ear Emporium!

K.C. Peck’s Gift and Ear Emporium features almost 30 pages of gauges, earrings, necklaces, and other items for gifting, such as money clips, pins, and even nightlights. The artist uses a variety of materials which include metals, glass, and more importantly sustainably-harvested woods including walnut, oak, and maple. The accessories feature a variety of themes such as nature motifs, gaming references, religious/ethical themes and exquisite patterns–specifically the honeycombs! His gauges are available in a variety of sizes, and custom orders are encouraged, granted you call/ leave a message regarding your request.

The Ear Emporium has over 10,000 fans on the Facebook page, so if you like these products, be sure to Like the page as well for updates and perhaps future deals on accessories!

D.I.Y. or DIE: Modern-Look Projects to Tackle

To all who reach for their sewing machines and power tools with confidence, I salute you. DIYers, get it done.

That being said, there’s been a viral D.I.Y. furniture project slinking around on the interwebs, that states you can make your own lounge chair for $30, granted you have a chainsaw and power drill readily available. It’s an attractive modern piece of furniture that calls for reclaimed wood. If you live in the southwest areas, it might be a bit more difficult to get your hands on the stuff than if you lived more east, but people are always willing to get rid of lumber somewhere–most cases for little, or for free.

This lounger, featured on Homemade Modern’s blog (and Instructables, too) isn’t the only item in their collection though. They have other projects as well that utilize soda and wine bottles, plywood, and other recyclable materials, along with a few upcycling projects of older furniture–all with rather aesthetically appealing results.

 The people behind this project stated that down the line they would release a book with all their creations inside, but until then, you can look at their website and see all sixteen episodes they have to show. Below are just a few of my favourites; the concrete pieces and wooden furniture had me goin’ the most, and each project can be tailored to be just a smidgen darker, if you catch my drift.