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Posts tagged “d.i.y.

D.I.Y. or DIE: Suit up for Summer

Yes, summer, we know you’re almost here.

Yes, summer, we know about your relentless, oppressive, hypnotic heat that gets nearly everybody amped to go frolic outdoors, host garden parties with dear friends, and let loose, because that is the effect you have on people. It’s not a healthy relationship–even if there’s SPF protection involved–but still, there’s much you do to the human psyche for just being a simple season. People get giddy.

Some have been preparing in gyms and yoga studios all year, awaiting your arrival. Some couldn’t care less. One thing is for certain though–the rituals of water to combat the heat–be it in swimming pools, the beach or a cracking of a hydrant–will commence.


Ahem…That being said, if you’re about to purchase a new swimsuit, I’d urge you to wait just a moment. As an advocate for simple D.I.Y. projects, I think it’d be best if you’d entertain the idea of turning your favourite Alien Sex Fiend band shirt into a cute bikini or one-piece. It’s really all too simple, and it’d be a unique alternative that allows you to upcycle something you might’ve not warn as frequently otherwise. Here, take a peek at these vids.

Just remember, if you’re planning on making a functional swimsuit from a t-shirt, unless it’s just you and your lover(s), you’ll need extra material and padding…unless you’re into that wet t-shirt look and want the world to see your goods. If so, carry on without.

Now, if you’re not about to take to a sewing machine, NY’s own Vin-T can take your t-shirts and turn them into a custom swimsuit for you.

If you’re not prepared to transform your band shirts, that’s fine as well. When purchasing a new swimsuit, consider checking out brands such as EcoSwim, Odina Swim, Becca and Ruby Moon for sustainable and/or ethical fashions.

If you’re a guy, try Nautica, Greenlines, or even something from H&M’s Conscious collection.





D.I.Y. or DIE: “Wood Hand”

Instructables is a haven for DIYers, chock full of wondrous inventions and life hacks anyone could learn from. Delving into the realm of costumes (and after playing a lengthy amount of Skyrim), I was ecstatic when I came across this little beauty:

Instructables user Prototyp 18 came up with his seriously simple “Wood Hand” project that can transform you into a dryad overnight. His variation uses oak bark, but he states that any medium can be used. If you tackle this project, go the extra step further and go to your local thrift store or Goodwill for the gloves (or shoes, or any other clothing you’re thinking of making this with.)

Could you imagine scaring children, or even adults with this? Oh, the reactions would be priceless.

Flora Gothica always welcomes D.I.Y. or DIE projects with open arms, so if you create this or any other creation, feel free to send pictures to