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Posts tagged “fae

PSA: World Goth Day is Approaching…

Ten days.

Ten days my friends, and we can walk with even more pride than ever before.

World Goth Day falls on a Thursday this year, on May 22nd.

There are plenty of events going on across the globe from Texas to London, and from Berlin to South Africa. If you want more information regarding events and places to go, be sure to check out the main website and the Goth Day Forum for ideas, meet-ups and more. Already mentioned in almost a dozen major media outlets and various Gothic subculture websites, it wouldn’t hurt to keep abreast of new news regarding our special day by following the Facebook page.

PSA: Ignorance is Piss.

Heaven and Hell knows the crap alts have to put up with on a daily basis from individuals outside the subcultures. Some people just aren’t tactful as they should be towards alternatives, or anybody for that matter different than themselves. If you’re feeling guilty, good. If you’re not getting it yet, keep reading.

Inquiries from others regarding lifestyles and styles aren’t always malicious, however people need to know where to draw the line.

YouTube and Tumblr user Toxic Tears was gracious enough to put together a video that sums up the common questions people ask, and the common statements/actions people say and do that completely ignore the concept of thinking before acting.

If you are a repeat offender in taking part in these activities, it would behoove you to not treat individuals different from yourself as spectacles, but rather as human beings who just favor different things. People in alternative subcultures do not exist for entertainment. This is how people live, so be a dear and respect that without, as Toxic so put it, being an asshat. This has been a PSA. Cheers.