Stay sustainable in the dark.

alternative subculture

PSA: World Goth Day is Approaching…

Ten days.

Ten days my friends, and we can walk with even more pride than ever before.

World Goth Day falls on a Thursday this year, on May 22nd.

There are plenty of events going on across the globe from Texas to London, and from Berlin to South Africa. If you want more information regarding events and places to go, be sure to check out the main website and the Goth Day Forum for ideas, meet-ups and more. Already mentioned in almost a dozen major media outlets and various Gothic subculture websites, it wouldn’t hurt to keep abreast of new news regarding our special day by following the Facebook page.

Etsy Bomb #7: La Vieille Lune

Doing my usual Etsy rounds, I stopped with widened eyes at the jewelry on a certain designer’s Etsy page.

Kim Hand–owner, maker, designer and curator of La Vieille Lune-has been selling her pieces since 2010. She prides herself on re-purposing old pieces of jewelry, lace, handbags and more. All of her pieces are painstakingly detailed, with a lot of her lace products hand-dyed.

This is one of those stores where it’s better to just take a peek inside! And after viewing her Etsy Store, be sure to follow her work on La Vieille Lune’s Facebook page as well!

D.I.Y. or DIE: Debonair Decor


I’ve been bouncing from site to site on the interwebs again in a mild attempt to find more ways to spruce up the atmosphere. D.I.Y. decor projects tend to overflow during Halloween seasons, but it seems any other time there’s a challenge to find them!

Thankfully, I was able to round up a few that emphasize upcycling an old lamp, transforming old paper towel rolls into something eerie, and putting last night’s dinner to creative work. Check out these creative ways to add flair to any of your rooms with these D.I.Y. projects!

Flamingo Toes’ Spooky Crystal Ball Halloween Candlesticks would look perfect over a fireplace or as a dining room table topper. Look online for old, clear holiday bulbs for this project, instead of buying them anew. If you’re painting your sticks, try to find a low VOC can of spray paint–it’s the better choice.

Over at The Art of Doing Stuff, blog contributor Karen confessed her affinity for strange decorations, and this would make any home more charming. She stated she’s been collecting the bones for over 2 years, however if you’re pressed for time, why not try going to your local restaurant and see if they can help out. Of course, they might give you a few looks, but it would totally be worth it in the end.

Perhaps the most innovative project here would be the House of Dewberry’s black candle project. With the power of paper towel rolls, a glue gun, some paint, and some tea lights, you can surely create a centrepiece that looks great not only for Halloween, but anytime of year.

Luxirare’s segment on candlelight started when he transformed his vodka decanter into–what else–a candle. He’s then taken it further by testing it out with shot glasses, test tubes and more, but the photo walk through is easy enough to follow.

Lastly, user Darkstar on the Halloween Forum was able to take an old land and transform it with a little pain, some skulls and some gauzy fabric. While the foam skulls aren’t necessarily the go-to for an enviro-goth, there are plenty of other ways this lamp remodel could be done, all while remaining sustainably chic.

PSA: Ignorance is Piss.

Heaven and Hell knows the crap alts have to put up with on a daily basis from individuals outside the subcultures. Some people just aren’t tactful as they should be towards alternatives, or anybody for that matter different than themselves. If you’re feeling guilty, good. If you’re not getting it yet, keep reading.

Inquiries from others regarding lifestyles and styles aren’t always malicious, however people need to know where to draw the line.

YouTube and Tumblr user Toxic Tears was gracious enough to put together a video that sums up the common questions people ask, and the common statements/actions people say and do that completely ignore the concept of thinking before acting.

If you are a repeat offender in taking part in these activities, it would behoove you to not treat individuals different from yourself as spectacles, but rather as human beings who just favor different things. People in alternative subcultures do not exist for entertainment. This is how people live, so be a dear and respect that without, as Toxic so put it, being an asshat. This has been a PSA. Cheers.


Lurid Illustrations: Juan Cabana

Don’t you love those bizarre magazines that strive to prove certain supernatural and mythical entities exist? Think Ripley’s, or those publications back in the day whose pictures and articles would either strike awe or scare a soul senseless. Even recently, there’s been a big debate on Animal Planet, Discovery and the likes on whether finned humanoids roam the depths of our oceans or not. In 2003, the Weekly World News had released articles, revealing sightings of mermaid and mermen remains.

Convincing for some, and otherwise rubbish for others, no one can deny the realism present in these corpses.

So the question remains–where are these dead mermaids and mermen coming from?

Strolling along the sandy beaches of Florida is none other than Juan Cabana. The dehydrated mermaid he comes across is actually his artwork, and he’s been creating cadaverous fish-folk sculptures since 2001. Enamored by the beauty and grace of these creatures, Cabana’s main mission is to expose us to the less glorious depiction of mermaids, mermen and other humanoid entities. Rather, these beings that supposedly thrive in the depths of the ocean, hiding from human eyes for centuries, instill a fresh perspective on life in the oceans.

Juan Cabana’s work incorporates authentic fish skins, teeth and scales. He’s created dozens of sculptures both human-sized and miniature, and have been featured in countless papers, magazines, and even on the Sci-Fi channel. Cabana has sold several pieces already, including his 2008 piece “Nerina” seen in the video. The 7-foot Mer was sold for a whopping $10,000. His portfolio is available to view on his website, The Feejee Mermaid. You are also welcome to send him questions and comments to him.

If you ask me, these versions of Ariel, Flounder and Sebastian are infinitely superior to Disney’s rendition.