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Posts tagged “human body

Relay: Skeletal Serenity

Mysterious and alluring is, indeed, the human body; we already know and experience this everyday we wake, and everyday we rest.

Some people are squeamish or scared of what happens on the inside, leaving the appreciation of the body’s technicalities to our doctors and haemophiliacs.

We as a species should strive to not be afraid of ourselves, as there is much beauty to be seen in the human form.

The folks at Hybrid Medical Animation seem to understand this, and have been beautifying human processes for years now. “X-ray Body in Motion – Yoga” is their newest video, which assesses and analyzes the full human body in motion on a skeletal level. They stated that their “technical challenges included…achieving proper bone densities and representing actual bone marrow inside each bone.” Still, this review of what it means for a human to move is graceful, and it encourages individuals to embrace not only ourselves, but all the activities we as humans can take part in.

But then a pressing thought struck me: unless in a group, it’s very rare to see alternative types in public yoga studios, or any place where there’s communal exercise going on. Be it disinterest, fear of being ostracized, or just too many people in general, meditative fitness (such as yoga) should be a staple in everybody’s life, and it would behoove us all to attempt to find solace through activity.